Honey Black Tea

Honey Black Tea
Honey Black Tea
An other unique tea from the Sanxia region is called Mi Xiang Hong Cha, also coming from the tea farms of Mr. Chou. The name of the tea means „ Honey Black tea” which refers to the naturally sweet taste of the tea soup. You may be wondering about the origin of this special note – it is the result of a nice trick of the nature. There is an endemic leaf hopper (Jacobiasca formosana) which is nibbling the tea leaves during growth. As a reaction the tea plant is producing extra polyphenol which gives a unique taste to the tea soup. The farmers can not have any influence on this phenomenon hence the taste of Mi Xiang Hong Cha is different harvest by harvest.
The taste of the tea is generally malty, a bit like cocoa, getting more and more sweet after every single brewing, highlighting the honey tone gradually. The aftertaste is smooth, light and gentle, especially when it is cooling down.
Check out the special „golden buds” – during the harvest only the top leaves and buds are picked, they get goldish due to the natural fermentation.
This tea of Mr Chou also has been recognized by the Super Taste Award of ITIB in 2022.

chinese name
Sanxia, Taiwan
picking method
picking year
picking season
main tasting notes
honey, chocolate
caffeine level
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